Harrison Village Library provides a welcoming place for our community to access information, education, technology and entertainment. The Library Director and staff are responsible for ensuring that all patrons use the library safely. Use of the library or its services may be denied by the Library Director for due cause, including continued disruptive behavior.
Thank you for your cooperation.
General Conduct
- Food and beverages may be consumed in the kitchen area of the children’s room.
- Patrons must be fully clothed and wearing shoes.
- Only service animals are allowed in the library.
- Smoking, consumption of alcohol or illegal substances is prohibited.
- Firearms or weapons of any kind are not permitted on the library premises.
- Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult unless prior arrangements have been made with the library staff.
- Behavior that is abusive, threatening or harassing is prohibited.
- Harrison Village Library reserves the right to restrict video and audio recording on its property.
Computer Use
- Illegal, unethical or unauthorized use of the library’s computers is strictly forbidden. For a full list of rules, please see the Internet Safety & Acceptable Use Agreement. All computer users must have a signed agreement on file.
- Sign in BEFORE going to a computer. If all computers are in use, you may “get in line” by signing in, then adding your time on as a computer becomes available.
- Computer use is limited to 30 minutes when people are waiting, and total daily time should not exceed 90 minutes.
- The computers are configured to be usable by as many patrons as possible and their settings are not to be altered, or their software changed. Personal files should not be saved to the machine. Patrons use the computers at their own risk.
- The Library expressly prohibits any use of Library equipment to access material that is obscene, harmful to minors or pornographic in nature. In compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act, a filter is in place to prevent access to material that may fall into this category. Adults over 17 wishing to bypass blocked sites for their own use should request assistance from the library staff.